how do you want to die?!?
Wanna go all ka-runchy
under my dadly jackbooty Topsider,
guts splayed on the steaming summer asphalt ---
your Junior-Minty giblets
streaked cell-thin by my unrepentant sole?
Maybe I'll just pluck out your
furry leggies one-at-a-freakin' time.
Maybe I'll do it
real, real slow too, see??
"She loves me,"
"She loves me NOT!"
Oh yeah, she loves me, all right.
She loves me because I am
slayer of slithy toves.
Whether I'm whackin' wasps,
annihilating anties, or crushing spider carcass
through the dirt and straight
back into Hell where they all belong,
I can tell you this, dear dads:
There will be absotively, posilutely,
no mome rath outgrabin' in my parts, nuh-uh!
'Cuz when it's brillig,
as it is all too infrequently in our
sorry stretch of suburbia,
the Beastie Stomp is the last thing a dad wants
his hard-earned day off interrupted to do.
But alas, the law of our prescient friend
Mr. Murphy always, always comes into play
when a critter pitter-patters out from
the dimensional vortex under the 'fridge ---
you know, the one that produces bugs by the legion.
I will, of course, be in the midst
of a sublime drift into the dadly Land O'Nod,
splayed akimbo in the Comfy Chair,
dogs up on the old Ottoman Empire,
when The Screech curdles all of the
blood in my body into prickly-hot hemoglobules
that race to my face in
bright crimson Gorbachev blotches.
"There's a jumpy SPIDER on the ceiling,"
goes the hue and cry.
I scan the lunar topography of our
decaying plaster ceiling for 12 or 14 hours
before I finally spy the funkus buggie with my little eye.
There it sits, glowering and vengeful,
a full milli-micron across the
widest part of its thorax.
Then up I go, arachnid stalker ---
poised for hemipteran Helter-Skelter ---
armed with that most infamous
instrument of annihilation and of
bloody violent death ---
a double-soft wad of Charmin.
Soft...soft...I ready myself,
careful I am not casting my shadow
on the spiteful creature,
lest it scamper off
into its crown molding insectival empire,
thumbing its pincers at me,
wantonly spreading its polygamous seed
in its unrelenting campaign of world conquest.
I stand down, teeth gritted,
and admire my gruesome handiwork
with an evil chuck-chuck-chuckle.
Surely, I will be rewarded
for so gallant a dadly act.
But no.
I am left instead, with a clean-up
dilemma that would drive even Heloise
buggy and bereft of hints,
for a permanent skidmark of bug guts
has splorched my ceiling.
I scrub it with cleanser,
which removes the ceiling white;
which requires a new coat of paint
that winds up splattering
on the wall-to-wall
resulting in the replacement of the
entire downstairs carpeting.
I snapped, oh friends --- I snapped, I did.
I embarked upon a wild and Godless
spree of murder and of abject mayhem
seeking retribution after the
unfortunate Incident ---
and I would not rest until they were ALL dead,
every last buggy one of 'em.
I was prepared, if need be, to kick even
Franz Kafka's sorry metamorphosed ass.
I got in the rustwagon and headed out
to the park highway with genocide on my mind, oh yes.
If you are reticulated, ciliated,
flagellated, exoskeletal or just plain slime,
I cranked the trusty 8-track
("Ogden's Nut Gone Flake," it was).
Itchin' fer blood, I floored the Firenza,
and cackling with glee,
I made good my spree,
flying down a park expressway
until the windshield was awash in
the thick mucous splat of
every single last bug
in the entire animule kingdom.
I had killed them all.
Or so I thought.
I screeched to a halt and composed myself.
I burnt all my clothes and
cleared away the windshield
sputum with a gas station squeegee.
I wiped the steering wheel clean of fingerprints,
and having disposed of all evidence
down to the final DNA strand,
I lashed a brick to the accelerator,
dropped 'er into drive, and
committed the flivver to the bottom of the river.
I walked home, laughing and smoking
(knowing full well I ought not to do
either in my fast-advancing years),
in a sunny and perfect and bugless world.
But grim news awaited my return to dadsville.
"Better have a look at the apple tree!"
My eyes shifted slowly left,
then slowly right as my feeble cerebrum
processed this most pernicious information.
"ka-ZILLIONS of 'em!!"
Seems a furry critter had up and
kakked in a rotted-out hollow of
our decaying Granny Smith.
The crevasse teemed with a
wiggly warm swarm of goopy maggotry.
Snooping on my ensuing frenzy,
the neighbors on either side of
our postage-stamp parcel of suburban
dystopia hauled out the lawn chairs
and coolers and Polaroid One-Steps
and hunkered down to witness the
final indignity of this
impertinent insectival postscript.
And what a show it was, dear readers.
I doused 'em with charcoal fluid
and torched 'em, Beavis-style.
I drowned 'em with unidentifiable
chemicals left above my cro-mag workbench
by our home's previous owners.
I flushed 'em full-blast with the leaky garden hose.
Still they spewed forth like
a grotesque geyser of gak.
As the audience yowled for blood
with my every volley,
old Fortunato's fate
(or Trask's, if you're here now from Dark Shadowsland),
flashed before my eyes in an
inspiration, and in a triumphant and
resourceful Tim-the-Toolman finale,
I whipped up a stiff batch-o-mortar,
and amidst the well-deserved
applause, I entombed the maggotry
and their decomposing host mousie,
in a cap of Quik-Set Concrete.
There was absolutely no doubting
that this was it.
This was the 15 minutes of fame
Mr. Warhol promised.
I reveled in it --- basked in it ---
verily, my dadly flesh crawled with it
as a hale and hearty
rose from every craggie of the town,
and the strains of Adam Ant's
"Stand and Deliver" issued forth from
some retro-punk's boom box
mingling in the rarefied suburban air
with the incessant
buzz, buzzz, buzzzzzzz
of Lawnboys conquering the Earth.